k. rangel

K. Rangel (b. 2002) is an emerging artist and curator from Mexico City-based in Toronto. 

Kay is working towards a BFA in Criticism & Curatorial Practice with a minor in Gender & Sexuality Studies from OCAD University.

     My artistic exploration centers in the intersection of memory and nostalgia. I delve into the mundanity of the everyday objects and the memories woven into them. My practice thrives within a poetic context that aims to materialize language. As a curator, I’ve had to rely heavily on words, and as an artist, I push the viewer to navigate the written language within the visual realm. I recognize the prevalent characteristics of visual and textual language; both share a sacred bond that keeps them tied perpetually, meaning one will never be able to breathe without the other. I like to subtly guide the viewer into looking deeply at what they are experiencing. I encourage presence to be part of the work; hence why I rely on visual or textual hints to conduct a deeper subconscious reading.

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